From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 37 37 playsReview RAN chart, watch video and add to RAN chart, text feature activity, and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 14 14 playsWatch a video about making a book, prepare for writing a book by reviewing texts read this week and videos, revisit RAN chart and make a book. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 92 92 playsIntroduction to RAN chart and Shared Reading text. Revisit RAN chart after Shared Reading, Fluent Writing Review and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 34 34 playsReview text features, shared reading of a text investigating text features, add to RAN chart, writing choice board, and word work r- controlled vowel words. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 54 54 playsReview how to use RAN chart, watch a video and add to RAN chart, listen to book read aloud complete a bubble map and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 9 9 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 write a book about what was learned this week about hummingbirds, irregularly spelled words activity and Fluency… -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 94 94 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 noticing how authors use words, word work with compound words and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 67 67 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 gathering facts, written response to text and word work with r-controlled words. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 122 122 playsShared Reading Lesson introducing text with word work with counting syllables word work, fluent writing review and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 120 120 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 with a fact finding activity, word work using ee and ea words and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 145 145 playsShared Reading Lesson introducing text with word work with fluent writing review and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 75 75 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 with diphthong word work sort and written response to text. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 63 63 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 using generative questioning, word work with plural nouns (-s and -es) and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 16 16 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 with word work reading and recognizing irregularly spelled words, Fluency Reflection and Writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 120 120 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 with word work using rhyming words and writing choice board. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 179 179 playsShared Reading Lesson rereading text introduced on Day 1 with word work using adjectives and writing choice board.