From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 52 52 playsThis video uses models and pictures to help students determine the time to the hour. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 32 32 playsThis video uses models to partition two-dimensional shapes into two-four equal parts. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 28 28 playsThis video helps students to identify a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and write the value of the coins. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 28 28 playsThis video uses models and pictures to help students determine the time to the half-hour. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 53 53 playsThis video uses models and pictures to help students determine the time to the half-hour. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 47 47 playsThis video provides practice and application of -ai and -ay sounds. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 31 31 playsThis video provides a variety of texts to give students practice with asking and answering questions. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 15 15 playsThis video provides a variety of texts to give students practice with writing in response to reading. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 82 82 playsThis video provides a variety of texts to give students practice with the author's purpose. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 74 74 playsThis video provides practice and application of -ou and -ow sounds. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 35 35 playsThis video provides a variety of texts with time and order words. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 73 73 playsThis video uses a variety of texts to give students practice with central ideas and details. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 120 120 playsThis video uses a variety of texts to give students practice in retelling and summarizing. -
From dmoore@ed.sc.gov
| 69 69 playsThis video uses models to help students determine the missing number in addition within 20.